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The Toshiba Machine Group respects human values. The Group's mission is to contribute towards building the foundation for industry through creating an abundance of wealth and helping to improve people's lives and cultural development.
These pages provide an overview of the corporate profile of Toshiba Machine. Since the Toshiba Machine Group was founded in 1949, it has helped Japan and the world develop by supplying the machines required by industry. Currently, we are aiming to become a "comprehensive machinery manufacturer that supports the world's 'monozukuri'" by focusing on four strategic key phrases: "energy and environment," "improving labor productivity," "IoT (Note 1) and ICT (Note 2)," and "handling new materials." These four strategic key phrases are important for the automobile, electronics, optical, and nanotechnology industries that are in the spotlight today, because we will be developing, manufacturing, selling, and providing retrofit... [Details] |