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Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.

大塚グループは、“Otsuka-people creating new products for better health world...

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In keeping with the corporate philosophy and Otsuka's mottos "JISSHO" (Actualization) and "SOZOSEI" (Creativity), we strive to utilize our Group's unique assets and skills to develop differentiating scientific solutions which contribute to the lives of people worldwide in the form of innovative and creative products ranging from pharmaceuticals to consumer products.
Otsuka Group is striving to cultivate a culture and a dynamic corporate climate reflecting our vision as a healthcare company. As such we are dedicated to achieving global sustainability, to our relationships with local communities and to the protection of the natural environment.


Monuments embodying the Otsuka Group Philosophy
Giant Tomato Tree/ Bent Giant Cedar/ Floating Stones

"Our mission is the development of creative human resources who can break the mold."

The Otsuka group established the “Human Resource Development Institute”, an employee training center in Tokushima City, Japan, in March 1988. The institute’s mission is to foster the development of creative employees who can break the mold of conventional thinking and contribute to Otsuka’s ongoing success as a “big venture” company.
The institute features three monuments that symbolize the Otsuka group philosophy, conveying the message that Otsuka will continue to be a richly creative force.大塚グループは、“Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide”という企業理念のもと、大塚の遺伝子である「実証と創造性」を受け継いで、「大塚だからできること」「大塚にしかできないこと」を日々実践しようと努め、革新的で創造性に富んだ医薬品や機能性飲料・機能性食品などの幅広い製品・サービスを通じて、世界の人々の暮らしをサポートしてまいります。大塚グループは、健康に携わる企業にふさわしい文化と活力を育み、グローバルな視点から地域社会や自然環境との共生に配慮し、人々のより豊かで健康な暮らしに貢献したいと願っています。





Company Profile
Company Name: Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. Company Type: Company ()
Area: Japan日本 Company Size:
Registered Capital: N/A Registered Year: 1921
Security deposit: Already paid 0.00 Dollars
Business Scope: 大塚グループは、“Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide”という企業理念のもと、大塚の遺伝子である「実証と創造性」を受け継いで、「大塚だからできること」「大塚にしかできないこと」を日々実践しようと努め、革新的で創造性に富んだ医薬品や機能性飲料・機能性食品などの幅広い製品・サービスを通じて、世界の人々の暮らしをサポートしてまいります。大塚グループは、健康に携わる企業にふさわしい文化と活力を育み、グローバルな視点から地域社
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