In advance of our 100th anniversary in 2018, we have created a new set of corporate principles, under the title "Earning Trust and Tackling Countless Challenges," which incorporate the same values as our founder, Soichiro Asano, which continue to form the meaning of our existence into the present.
We recognize the importance of our upcoming centenary and believe that our mission for the 100 years after that will be to contribute to society and individuals in the same important ways as we have done for the past century. To achieve this vision, it is absolutely necessary to establish a business foundation with continuity and to advance our enduring technologies even further. We will aim to win even greater confidence from our customers based on our customer-first philosophy as well as continually develop new products and business ventures, while further developing our R&D framework and expanding into new fields through M&A and overseas expansion.
Going forward, we will take steps to become a group of companies that is trusted by all of its stakeholders for its unwavering commitment to tackle new challenges and reach its 200th anniversary.
Corporate Logo Mark
The Carlit Holdings logo combines the letter "C" for Carlit and the letter "H" for Holdings to articulate the symbol for infinity (), to express the Group's determination to continually flourish for 100 and 200 years into the future after its transition to a holding company structure. The well-balanced design emphasizes harmony among the Group, and the dynamic form at top right evokes the Group's commitment to continually tackle new challenges. The combination of the symbols "" and "" symbolizes a person thinking with crossed arms. This expresses the fact that since its foundation the Group has pursued a unique and creative approach to manufacturing and continues today to aspire to further growth in the future.