インドネシアに拠点を置く、AGCグループのアサヒマス・ケミカル社(ASC)は、同国の独立行政法人の生物多様性団体KEHATIと協業し、2016年からインドネシアのサンギャン島における珊瑚礁の再生プロジェクトを展開してきました。今回はインドネシアで行っている環境保全の取組みに焦点を当ててご紹介します。A collaboration to restore a clean blue ocean
Southeast Asia is known as one of the best tourist destinations for those wanting to enjoy beautiful beaches and oceans, but it has faced severe marine pollution and destruction for the past few years. The coral reefs, where sea creatures live and spawn, are being threatened with significant disruption even though they are essential in maintaining a healthy marine environment.
AGC has been working on Coral Reef Restoration projects in Southeast Asia including Thailand and Indonesia. This article features Asahimas Chemical (ASC), one of the group companies of AGC in Indonesia. It has been collaborating with the Indonesian Foundation for Biodiversity (KEHATI) to rehabilitate coral reefs in Sangiang Island since 2016. Here explains the project and the impact it has on the local environment in the country.