今後ともご指導ご支援を承りますよう、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。"The development of a comfortable environment," this is the mission of the Asahi Fiber Glass Group.
Asahi Fiber Glass was established in 1956 as the first glass fiber manufacturer in Japan. Since its establishment, we have been extending energetic acivities across various fields to date.
In the time since, we have focused on the creation of comfortable and high energy-saving spaces, from glass wool insulation materials that also contribute to conservation of the global environment to cutting-edge materials used in the automotive, electronic and electrical industries.
These have truly been the products and functions that provide comfortable environments of warmth, coolness, quiet, lightness, beauty and convenience.
Moving forward, we will utilize the advanced technological capabilities we've acquired since our foundation and the material capabilities that technology supports to continuously create and deliver new value. In doing so, we hope to achieve greater customer satisfaction and better contribute to the development of comfortable environments. |