Glasseiden GmbH
The PD Glasseiden GmbH Oschatz is a medium-sized company in the heart of Saxony with 380 employees in Oschatz. Here, textile glass fibers have been produced for 50 years and further processed into fabrics, loops, complexes or textile glass mats.

With the production site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen the product portfolio could be extended by coated threads. The annual turnover in 2016 amounted to 60 million euros.

Researching a novel manufacturing process for glass fibers with significantly increased modulus of elasticity, improved chemical resistance and adjustable textile physical properties to provide cost-effective high-performance materials for the automotive, aircraft and textile concret is one of the many projetcs that the company has been supporting all this time.

The fiberglass products are widely used in a wide variety of industries. Due to their excellent thermal insulation, fire protection and lightweight potential properties, glass fiber is an indispensable composite for the industry when safety and energy efficiency are required.