Established since 1999 with authorized capital of
8,000,000 USD, CATHACO chose plastic injection molding
as its major business. Beginning with just a few machines
since then, we have been trying to make it spread and
strengthen our business reaching out for international brand names
as our own customers to serve. The total number of employees now
reach 1,000 and the whole land area is 60,000 m2.
It was said not to be easy to bring this type of industry
out in the contact with foreign businesses with
huge reputation due to matters of quality, technology and skillfulness,
but with strong determination and willing team we steadily gain the trust
from big names such as Schneider Electric, Konica Minolta,
Colgate-Palmolive, Toshiba, Aqua... Besides system qualifications
such as ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004, we as well achieved
social compliance certification of ICTI and ISO 26000.
Furthermore, with the installation of the 150th machine and
the support of automation technology such as fully automated robot
arm equipped to every single machine and the machine
monitoring system, CATHACO is now confident of its capabilities
and at the same time making its business
major more exceptional and professional.

As in every major fabricating industry, plastic injection molding
over the years has played an important role in
the conduct of day-to-day business. Nevertheless,
the decision of choosing this type of industry, which was
supporting to others, while not so many individuals were
doing it then was not an easy one to make. The other businesses
ever since then had chosen to do something familiar and easy,
while CATHACO would not wait for the easy to come but
made a rush for challenges with high-rise determination.