Vietnam Auto Chamber of Commerce and Auto Parts Enterprise Association Directory
2020-04-13 02:23  Click:668

Ko te whakatika i Vietnamese me te reo Ingarihi-i tenei wa ko te whaiaronga nui rawa atu o te ao o te Vietnam Automobile me Auto Parts Ahumahi Ahumahi, tae atu ki nga mea e whai ake nei:

01. Kaihanga
02. Kaihoko
03. Ta Meiha
04. Kaitoha
05. Kaitio
06. Kai-Rihi
07. Kaihokohoko motuka
08. Tuhinga OEM
09. Te kamupene reti motokā
10. Toa-waka aunoa
11. Motuhake Manapoto
13. .tahi atu

Tena tirohia te paetukutuku Whaiaramatanga kia tohua nga waahanga aunoa.