What are the advantages of using color masterbatch?
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- Unsolveddestoon
- 2021-08-09 13:50
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- 1Flooranonymity
- 2021-08-14 16:39
(1) The product cost is low, and the cost reduction of products with small batches and frequent color changes is particularly prominent.
(2) Color matching technology and simple operation, this technology is especially suitable for factories with weak equipment and technical strength.
(3) The operating environment is good. Since the masterbatch is in granular form and there is no pigment dust, there is no dust flying during the operation, which reduces pollution and is conducive to civilized production.
(2) Color matching technology and simple operation, this technology is especially suitable for factories with weak equipment and technical strength.
(3) The operating environment is good. Since the masterbatch is in granular form and there is no pigment dust, there is no dust flying during the operation, which reduces pollution and is conducive to civilized production.