Compared with metal mechanical parts, what are the advantages of nylon gears?
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- Unsolveddestoon
- 2021-08-09 09:04
What are the advantages of nylon gear over metal mechanical parts? Could you tell your opinion?
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- 1Flooranonymity
- 2021-08-15 11:37
Nylon has the characteristics of light weight, low working noise, no sparks during working, no rust, and no electromagnetic interference. In addition, when used as a gear, it can achieve the purpose of buffering collision and impact through its own deformation and deflection, and it can also reduce the local load caused by installation deviation. Ascendas engineers introduced that nylon also has excellent characteristics such as sufficient raw materials, many varieties, low prices, easy recycling, good dyeability, high precision of the products obtained, and good dimensional stability.