Where did the usual large amount of plastic bags finally go?
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- Unsolveddestoon
- 2021-07-06 23:34
Where do a lot of plastic bags go?
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- 1Flooranonymity
- 2021-08-23 16:14
Most of them enter the garbage dump or incineration plant, and some enter the wild. On the beach, in the sea, around some rivers, on rural streets, and on the way into Tibet, some will be eaten by wild animals and cause death. There are many such pictures on the Internet, and it is often seen in the news that whales who have died stranded and found plastic bags in their stomachs after anatomy. In addition, a small part is recycled, but it is generally not the ones that have been used daily, because on the one hand, it is usually dirty, and on the other hand, the sources are scattered and it is not easy to collect. The bags of product packaging removed by factories and supermarkets are usually of good quality, clean, and concentrated, and they will be recycled by someone.