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Add to Favourite | Report 2021-02-17 01:43   Attention:168   Answer:0

Do plastic bags really pollute the environment?

Closed Reward points:0

If the plastic bag is discarded directly, it is not incinerated. Although it does not degrade, it stays in the soil. What is the difference between this and a stone? And the stone hurts the plow, the plastic bag doesn't hurt.

I searched on the Internet and only vaguely said there was "potential harm" and visual pollution. It is said online that plastic bags reduce the absorption of water by plants.

Is it true or alarmist?

Or is it that the degradation of plastic bags will produce toxic substances, which will lead to soil poisoning?

Of course, I personally love the environment, but today I suddenly thought about it, and I really didn’t find how “malignant” pollution plastic bags are. At best, it is more like a kind of garbage that is not suitable for incineration and must be landfilled. Compared with battery pollution, e-waste, and corporate pollution, it's really incomparable.
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