• Sunny Bag
  • Business:plastic bags
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
[South Africa]
  • Sunhopper (Pty) Ltd
  • Business:✔ backpacking eqpt & supplies ✔ laptop bags ✔ school bags
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Mister Packaging
  • Business:✔ bags - plastic & poly ✔ packaging materials ✔ bags - plastic and poly
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Plastic Carrier Bags CC
  • Business:✔ bags - plastic & poly ✔ plastic bags ✔ carrier bags
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
[South Africa]
  • I Sheng Plastic CC
  • Business:✔ bags - plastic & poly ✔ plastic bags ✔ poly bags
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Onyx Plastics
  • Business:✔ bags - plastic & poly ✔ plastic bags ✔ poly bags
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Formeset Flexables
  • Business:✔ bags - plastic & poly ✔ bags ✔ plastic bags
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Cape Bag (Pty) Ltd
  • Business:✔ bags - canvas, cotton, hessian, jute ✔ hessian ✔ animal feeds ✔ plastic bags ✔ poly bags ✔ bags - canvas ✔ bags - plastic and poly ✔ canvas bags ✔ cotton bags ✔ hessian bags ✔ jute bags ✔ shoes - wh'salers and mfrs
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • M S D Metal Castings CC
  • Business:✔ metals - precious - sheets, wire, tubing etc ✔ brazing ✔ engineering applications ✔ pressed sectional steel tanks ✔ wire ✔ bags - plastic and poly ✔ bags - plastic ✔ cards - plastic ✔ metals - precious - sheets ✔ tubing etc ✔ plastics - scrap
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • C T Packaging
  • Business:✔ bags - plastic & poly ✔ plastic bags ✔ shrink-wrap ✔ tubing ✔ sheeting ✔ service provider ✔ professional ✔ quality ✔ packaging material ✔ business services ✔ poly bags ✔ film ✔ packaging materials ✔ excellence ✔ bags - plastic and poly ✔
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • J Ten Plastic Suppliers CC
  • Business:✔ matress bags ✔ mulch sheeting ✔ plastic tubing ✔ printed recycled plastic ✔ recycled tubing ✔ wide sheeting ✔ fertilizers ✔ bags - plastic and poly ✔ plastics - fabrics ✔ film and sheets - producers
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Hulamin Containers
  • Business:✔ packaging mfrs ✔ plastic bags ✔ boxes ✔ cartons ✔ corrugated ✔ foil containers ✔ packaging ✔ plastics ✔ plastic ✔ polystyrene ✔ packaging manufacturers ✔ packaging mfrs
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Packit Packaging
  • Business:✔ packaging materials ✔ bags ✔ cartons
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
  • Prestige Advertising Gifts CC
  • Business:✔ advertising - promotional products ✔ plastic bags ✔ custom made
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
[South Africa]
  • Tooltech Plastics
  • Business:✔ plastics - products ✔ bags ✔ blow moulding
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
[South Africa]
  • Bandpak Agencies CC
  • Business:✔ packaging materials ✔ bags ✔ plastic bags ✔ boxes ✔ containers ✔ foam plastic ✔ plastic bottles ✔ strapping ✔ greaseproof paper ✔ foam trays ✔ packaging manufacturers ✔ grease proof bags ✔ packaging solutions ✔ packaging material ✔ packagi
  • (Manufacturer)  [Not Verified]
[South Africa]
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