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Sare Plastics Inc

plastic injection manufacturer that offers quick turnarounds on custom inject...

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For over 30 years, Sare Plastics has successfully partnered with manufacturers and suppliers to produce custom-made injection molding plastic parts and products for innovative industries such as Automotive, Aerospace, Appliance, Communications, Construction, Energy, Household and Medical. As a proud manufacturer of American products, Sare Plastics’ commitment toward continuous quality improvement is demonstrated by being certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards.

Sare Plastics offers the flexibility and personalized service characteristic of a small company, yet has the production capacity of a large manufacturing firm. From prototype to production, we work collaboratively with you to bring your designs to market. Our inspection, auditing processes and packaging are customized to fit your needs and we offer array of services and capabilitiesthat are suitable for your injection molding requirements. [Details]