In 1912, a young Italian immigrant, Dominick Malone, arrived at Ellis Island with his father, mother and sister. His older brothers had come to America several years earlier. The immigrants at that time needed to have a sponsor in order to come to America. The brothers, who were living in Chicago, had to vouch for the new arrivals. As he grew up, Dominick worked at many jobs like most of the immigrants did in the early 20th Century.
Dominick Malone, in the early years, wire-drawing
a special brush for one of his customers.
Around the middle 1930’s, he worked for an industrial brush manufacturer. Over the next several years Dominick and his wife, Margaret, accumulated enough capital and expertise so they decided to purchase the company in the late 1930’s.
In 1944 they sold the company and moved to Michigan and started Custom Built Brush Co. in a small building behind their home. Dominick and Margaret ran the company with the help of their three sons, Michael, Alex, Joseph and a daughter, Carmel. Most of his brushes were handmade. He custom designed many specific brushes for all types of industries and was dedicated in helping his customers solve any type of problems regarding their brush needs.
In 1964 their son-in-law, G. Jack Clark, a Mechanical Engineer, and Carmel purchased the business. Jack worked in the same building that Dominick used for several years and then purchased land close by and built a larger building since Custom Built Brush Co. was growing.
Using his educational background in many capacities, Jack worked closely with the car wash; truck wash; bus wash and train wash industries to provide excellent quality, services, delivery, prices and also many innovations. He worked diligently on many different ideas that have resulted in numerous patents, which helped many industries. Under Jack’s leadership, Custom Built Brush Co. business grew substantially. Because of that growth, it was necessary to increase the size of the building several times over the next few years.