We pride ourselves in our high standard of product supply and customer service we have been in the foam industry since 1998 and have an immense amount of knowledge from years of experience as suppliers of polyurethane foam We supply many local companies with a variety of polyurethane products We are a foam factory and foam shop supplying quality foam products and polyurethane products to South African industry and the public Cloud Nine Whatever your body size Cloud Nine has a range of mattresses and bases to support your spine in the correct position Foam packaging Convoluted Foam Egg crate foam Cleaning Sponges Tiling and Grouting Sponges Specialized Foam products for mining and industry and Foam sheets cut to size Supplied in various densities and can be cut to any shape or profile that you require Bath Sponge Sea Sponge Bolsters Air-rings and wedges Specialized Foam products for mining and industry Lambs Wool Sponges Netted Sponges Wash Bay Sponges Tiling [