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Our continuous innovation and technology advances makes our sails perform at the top of the fleet.

Doyle Sails NZ is a leading force world wide in
Grand Prix race sails, with both Working sails & downwind
specialist sails. A hugely experienced team, including Richard Bouzaid
and Mike Sanderson has allowed us to enhance and refine our
award-winning and results driven product portfolio. We have supplied
sails to notable yachts such as J-class Velsheda, Ragamuffin, Bella
Mente, Shockwave & more.

About Us

Doyle Sails has secured its place as one
of the world's leading sailmakers by establishing a reputation for
producing high quality sails and for continually innovating. With a
stellar reputation for impeccable attention to engineering detail and
high quality construction, we utilise the latest technologies to create
the most advanced sails on the market. Doyle team is passionate about
all aspects of sailmaking & we pride ourselves on havin ... [Details]