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proprietary rotationally molded polyethylene tanks for agricultural, water, c...

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About Us

Norwesco is North America's leading manufacturer of proprietary rotationally molded polyethylene tanks for agricultural, water, closed-top industrial and below ground septic and cistern applications. Norwesco was founded in 1939 in St. Paul, Minnesota under the name of Northwest Plastics, Inc. The name was changed in 1973 and at that time Norwesco was ranked as one of the oldest and largest plastic processors in the United States.

Norwesco had been a publicly traded company until January 1988 when Norwesco was acquired and taken private by its management and private equity investors.  In 2008 we were acquired by Olympus Partners and became part of Tank Holding Corp. along with tank manufacturer Snyder Industries.  Our current financial partner is Olympus Partners.

Over the years we have significantly expanded our geographic presence through the addition of facilities throughout the United States and Canada. We currently o... [Details]