For over 35 years, Straberger Werkzeugbau GmbH has spent every day focusing on innovation, so that they can earn their title as a supplier of high-quality injection moulded tools. Products produced by this traditional company from Swabia, Germany are high-quality, durable and offer long service lives. The expertise of their employees is used for complex orders where standard solutions are just not enough. They work closely with customers on their individual finishing concepts and adapt the tools to the needs of each application. Specialities of the company: Overmoulding insert components; Overmoulding lead frames; Overmoulding cables; Overmoulding plug connections; Overmoulding nozzles; Moulding protective hoses; Moulds for slide tables/turntable tools; Cassette tools; Moulds and workpiece carriers for fully automated overmoulding of insert parts; Placement and demoulding equipment; Moulds for highly precise technical parts; Moulds for medical and pharmatechnology