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Meridian Products Corp

supplies molded connectors to the fiber optic, medical, electronic, telecom a...

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Our Company

Our capabilities include injection molding machines ranging from 55 tons to 500 tons and value added secondary and assembly services. We can also offer tooling design, lathe and CNC operations through our affiliated company 360 Tool and Design. We have a proven history with over three decades of service in the injection molding industry and we understand the critical requirements of our customers.

Our Quality

We strive to meet all quality specifications utilizing precision injection molding equipment while adhering to ISO 9001:2008 quality standards. With our experienced and dedicated staff, Meridian is able to guarantee customer satisfaction.

Our Vision

Our vision is for continued growth and expansion of capabilities to better serve our customers while maintaining our core values of quality customer service. Meridian remains committed to providing the level of leadership in Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing that make us the logical choice to be ... [Details]