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"All JFE Group personnel are required to faithfully adhere to the following Standards of Conduct in all corporate activities. These standards embody the JFE Group's Corporate Vision and go hand-in-hand with its Corporate Values.
Senior managers are responsible for communicating these standards to employees of Group companies and their supply chain partners, and in creating effective systems and mechanisms to ensure adherence to ethical standards. Senior managers are also responsible for measures to prevent the recurrence of any violation of these standards. Additionally, they must report violations promptly and accurately to internal and external stakeholders, determine the persons of relevant authority and accountability, and resolve matters rigorously." JFEグループ企業行動指針 JFEグループの役員および社員は、「企業理念」の実現に向けたあらゆる企業活動の実践において、「行動規範」の精神に則るとともに以下の「行動指針」を遵守する。経営トップは自ら率先垂範の上、... [Details] |