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Greenwood Plastic Injectors

Produce plastic injection mold products

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We don’t do widgets.
There are a lot of companies in the world that crank out millions of widgets, without understanding the product or its applications. We are not one of those companies.

At Greenwood Plastics Industries, we believe in relationships – the kind of relationships that lead to smart production. With years of thermoforming know-how, we can help you choose the best materials, process and
timelines you need to make your product high-quality and profitable.

Family Owned and American Made

The Darby family started GPI in Danville, Illinois, more than 30 years ago. Today, three generations are involved in the day-to-day operations. Proud to be an American manufacturer, GPI employs more than 75 people.

Earth and Budget Friendly

GPI is committed to green solutions. From replacing mercury-vapor lighting to reducing and recycling plastic waste, we take big and small steps towards reducing our environmental footprint. These kinds of efforts have reduced our ener... [Details]