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Design Octaves

manufactured Top and Bottom Covers for Benchtop Units,Wall Mounted Enclosures...

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 Norm Weiss 

Our CEO, Norm Weiss, founded Design Octaves in 1979. What started out as an engineering model shop quickly developed into a large enclosure manufacturing company.

Norm recognized a need for a tooling process that could create large enclosures with intricate details. Through the years, Design Octaves has perfected a proprietary tooling process that guarantees superior results. Our commitment to the highest quality standards and our attention to detail has earned us a loyal clientele and an outstanding reputation among industry professionals.

Design Octaves creates high-end, limited-run RIM (Reaction Injection Molding) enclosures for Medical Device, Laboratory Equipment Manufacturers, Original Equipment Manufacturers and Contract Manufacturers.

In order to fully support and accommodate our unique manufacturing process, Norm purchased the building we occupy. The Design Octaves faci... [Details]