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Australian owned & operated. We provide
complete Water Tanks & Tank Supplies & storage solutions for
your home, farm or business.

Bushman Tanks has a wide range of Water Tanks
& Tank Supplies & colours for different uses.
Able to service central & southern QLD, NSW, VIC & SA, Our
Tanks are made in one piece, from UV stabilised polyethylene.
This means our tanks comply with Australian standards for drinking water
& food contact.
Bushmans Tanks are quality tested, easy to install & give long-term
performance you can rely on.

Free Delivery And Set-up:

Bushman Tanks offer free delivery to most
areas we service using our own trucks and experienced staff. Bushman has
a wide range of water tanks and liquid storage products which can be
used at home to catch and store water, on the farm for domestic and
stock water, commercial buildings to catch storm water run off & in
the factory, warehouse or processing plant.

... [Details]