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B J Plastic Molding Company Inc

manufactured quality rigid plastic boxes and containers

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About Us

We have over FIFTY-ONE years of experience in molding rigid plastic boxes and containers which are all manufactured within our own facilities. Our staff is always available to answer your questions regarding pricing, delivery, sample requests, minimums and lead times.

Our Goal - Customer Satisfaction

A "reusable" and "recyclable" plastic box will protect and enhance your products and give the consumer a "reusable container" once the product has been used, which is something that a "blister" or "clam shell" generally will not do.

What we offer

In today's global marketplace your products need to attract potential customers with quality, at a competitive price, the right package, which especially now means a "reusable" rigid plastic box. A better package can increase your sales, reduce your packaging costs, reduce product damage, has direct customer appeal and a new product look.

Relentless Effort = "Results"

Create your own package with a variet... [Details]