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BioSphere Plastic LLP

Plastic Products

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We are dedicated to delivering to you: - cost effective solutions - testing in open public forums - the best technology - passion and dedication

We provide the most inexpensive, cost effective answers to the environmental problems of today. Our company is diligent in forward thinking and providing information on both the technical and environmental aspects of our industry.

Our company not only promises to be the lead in all biodegradable technologies and offerings, but also the lead in providing you friendly service. We want to know our customers, not just sell them our technology. BioSphere believes that a future in environmental sustainability starts with a good, working relationship with its customers. In order for us to have such a good relationship, we need to make sure that our customers are educated about the different technologies that are available to them. Information is understanding. BioSphere was developed because

Company Profile
Company Name: BioSphere Plastic LLP Company Type: Company (Manufacturer)
Area: USA Company Size:
Registered Capital: N/A Registered Year:
Security deposit: Already paid 0.00 Dollars
Business Type: Manufacturer
Business Scope: Plastic Products
Sell Goods: Plastic Products
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