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Genpak LLC

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At Genpak, we believe if we make a claim that food packaging is easier on the environment, they really are easier on the environment. Whether using the phrase biodegradable, compostable or eco friendly, it has become fashionable to make all sorts of wild claims and unfortunately, many unscrupulous companies don't back those claims up with any sort of proof.

We believe our green products should fall into one or many of the three R's of sustainable food packaging which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Whether it is our biodegradable plates, cups or containers, if one of these three objectives is not met, we will not market them as a green solution.

All of the products in Harvest, from containers to cups, are either fully compostable or are greatly reduced in the amount of normal raw resources required to produce them. Our Harvest Fiber products are fully compostable and are completely 100% all natural. Our Harvest Paper products are fully compostable. Harvest Fiber container... [Details]