我々ADEKAグループは、一丸となって2018年度からスタートした「BEYOND 3000」の完遂に努めます。そして、社会との調和を図りながら持続的に発展し、積極的にステークホルダーの皆様の期待に応えることの重要性を強く認識し、様々なステークホルダーとの共同利益に配慮した企業経営を行います。 今後も何卒変わらぬご支援、ご鞭撻を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。Our Group is developing a global network of business by focusing on our highly competitive and technologically superior product groups in the world market withthe management policies: "To be a company that is progressive and dynamic with a keen attitude towards the new changing tide" and "Creating a better future for the people of the world." While focusing on growing markets with unique excellent technology, we are striving for the leader in the specific market categories where our group is strongly competitive and contributing to promoting global welfare by providing the marketwith products of state-of-the-art and products truly responding to needs of ourcustomers.