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ADC Plastics Pty Ltd

Bottles, Boxes, Buckets, Containers, Crates, Displays, Guards, Machined Compo...

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About ADC Plastics Pty Ltd

Specialist fabricators of all kinds of plastics - Professional & prompt service.

Get the most out of your money the next time
you need plastic products by calling on the team from ADC Plastics Pty
Ltd. Servicing throughout Hallam, our plastic products and fabrications
are built to last and are available at some of the most cost-effective
prices in the area.

From lightweight and flexible items for
basic use to industrial-strength products, we have the custom made
options to keep your project safe and on track. We can create storage
tanks, custom acrylic letters, machine covers and more all at affordable

Our products can be customised to your
needs and include DVD and CD cylinders, packaging containers, utensils
and more. You can rest assured knowing that all of our products are
safety approved and chemical-free.

In addition to our commercial and
industrial client... [Details]